WADAX Atlantis Reference DAC
Not previously known as a hotbed of High End Audio, Spain has gone for quality over quantity. WADAX, a ten-year-old manufacturer whose main focus is digital electronics, has exploded on the scene with their Atlantis Reference DAC. In the world of the digital heavyweights, WADAX is in a class by itself, both functionally and physically. It's an assemblage of three units; the DAC and two power supplies, weighing in at a modest 180 pounds in total. That was not a typo.
According the company: This is the product of "over 30,000 man hours devoted by passionate engineers and scientists to develop the most accurate and musical DAC ever designed". Inside the Reference DAC are 23 individual printed circuit boards, each completely and independently shielded. It contains over 5500 discrete parts, so obviously the manufacturing and QC process must be quite demanding. This barely scratches the surface, so to speak, of the thought and care that went into every detail of this all out assault on the state of the art in digital. It is reasonable to have very high expectations of a DAC with a six-figure price tag. In which case, would it be surprising that Wadax would be able to meet their claims in every regard?
One of the most astounding aspects to the Reference DAC design is that the jitter spec on it is a mere 12FS of jitter. A femtosecond is one quadrillionth of a second. Normally jitter in a high end DAC is measured in picoseconds. A picosecond is one billionith of a second which is already an exceedingly small number. So a jitter spec of 12FS is a bit mind-boggling to say the least!
It's hard to know where they could go from here, but it's reasonable to expect great things. Viva WADAX!
As seen in the rendering above, an optional custom Black finish with Silver highlights is available.
The Fundamental Research Program at WADAX
WADAX has been improving D/A technology and performance for the last 10 years: lowering the noise floor, increasing temporal and detail resolution, reducing the ‘footprint’ left by digital artefacts in the recording. The result has brought digital playback closer to live performance than ever before.
Fed back into our Fundamental Research Program, these performance improvements have revealed that, once the noise and error levels across the circuit blocks are reduced below a certain point - and in reaching that point, the original Atlantis DAC already surpasses all of the competition - the human auditory system becomes capable of far higher resolution, allowing us to perceive clocking errors, PSU interference and the effects of mechanical vibration that were always present but previously masked.
The Atlantis REFERENCE DAC is our response to these findings, with lower levels of clock noise and significant improvements in PSU and mechanical isolation.
The result is a masterpiece.
The result is the most accurate and most musically satisfying DAC ever designed.
Fed back into our Fundamental Research Program, these performance improvements have revealed that, once the noise and error levels across the circuit blocks are reduced below a certain point - and in reaching that point, the original Atlantis DAC already surpasses all of the competition - the human auditory system becomes capable of far higher resolution, allowing us to perceive clocking errors, PSU interference and the effects of mechanical vibration that were always present but previously masked.
The Atlantis REFERENCE DAC is our response to these findings, with lower levels of clock noise and significant improvements in PSU and mechanical isolation.
The result is a masterpiece.
The result is the most accurate and most musically satisfying DAC ever designed.
Everything about the Atlantis REFERENCE DAC is unique to this product: the clock circuitry; PSU topology and distributed regulation; the implementation of the musIC feed-forward error correction technology; the totally independent, dual-Mono DAC and analog circuitry; the fully modular construction, allowing for future upgrades or updates of key circuit blocks; the physical separation and independent housing of left and right channels, left and right channel power supplies; the mechanical vibration management incorporated in the chassis construction – and that barely scratches the surface of a product that contains 23 printed circuit boards, 10 independent, purpose-wound power transformers and over 5,500 discrete parts…
A rendering of the Wadax Reference DAC flanked by mono power supplies in custom black finish
"More Transcendent To Me Is The Way It Connects With The Performance"
“Atlantis Reference DAC is our matador in digital to analog musical conversion. Not only because we have touched almost theoretical measurements, but also due to the factorization of other aspects that were not considered before. I would cathegorize it as a holistic DAC. It will be our flagship for years to come, given it fully modular architecture”
“Besides the crazy bench measurements we have achieved, more transcendent to me is the way it connects with the performance, the interpreter and the environment. Never before I could experience a full rendering of all axis in such a wide and involving way.” -Javier Gudalajara, CEO
“Besides the crazy bench measurements we have achieved, more transcendent to me is the way it connects with the performance, the interpreter and the environment. Never before I could experience a full rendering of all axis in such a wide and involving way.” -Javier Gudalajara, CEO
"We Created A Sculptural Concept"
“We created a sculptural concept made of 3 elements that connect visually as a whole, while flowing as a single entity. Its unique design lines combine power, accuracy and aesthetics, ressembling the unique musical properties of Reference DAC to bind a pure emotional connection with the listener. The consistency of this value proposition is complemented with a fully modular and upgradeable system.”
“This achievement implied a specific choice of aircraft grade alloys and extreme machining accuracy. Due to this, all parts are milled from solid blocks. 5 different and specific alloys are used and more than 320Kg of alloy is the starting point for the production of the chassis. The whole assembly of the chassis must be done by a single highly skilled artisan and involves over 100 hours.”
“A fusion of beauty and performance. Artisan work and State of the Art digital manufacturing techniques. A unique timeless techno-sculptural piece." -Alberto Ochoa, Industrical Designer and Sculptor
“This achievement implied a specific choice of aircraft grade alloys and extreme machining accuracy. Due to this, all parts are milled from solid blocks. 5 different and specific alloys are used and more than 320Kg of alloy is the starting point for the production of the chassis. The whole assembly of the chassis must be done by a single highly skilled artisan and involves over 100 hours.”
“A fusion of beauty and performance. Artisan work and State of the Art digital manufacturing techniques. A unique timeless techno-sculptural piece." -Alberto Ochoa, Industrical Designer and Sculptor
WADAX Reference DAC flanked by dual mono power supplies. Note: the power supplies can be remoted with custom length DC cables.
The Unique musIC Feed-forward Error Correction Process
Conventional digital decoding struggles to achieve its theoretical performance: components and circuits never behave ideally, generating a complex, polluting mix of non-linearities that contaminates the delicate audio signals during and AFTER conversion. The delicate micro-information and expressive nuances in the musical signal are obscured by inter-reactions between power supplies, clocking, grounding, analog circuitry and the digital to analogue converter. To further complicate things, these non-linearities and error mechanisms are load dependent; varying with signal amplitude. Together they form the core of what we have all come to recognize as “digital sound.”
WADAX technology is founded on the unique musIC process, a sophisticated feed-forward error correction system that operates in the time domain. By mapping the error mechanisms of a chosen DAC chip under load using Adaptive Delta Hilbert Mapping, we can develop an algorithm that examines the incoming signal and calculates the induced error (both linear and non-linear) that will result. By applying an inverse signal at the input we can real-time correct for the time and phase error that is so musically destructive in other, conventional decoding systems.
This process requires a massive number of mathematical operations and considerable datatransfer: 12.8 GBytes/s. Processing is done at 128 bit internal resolution to precisely render the output and generate the smallest feed-forward corrections. The result is measurably and audibly the most natural and musically communicative digital decoding currently possible – something that’s obvious as soon as you hear the Atlantis Reference DAC.
WADAX technology is founded on the unique musIC process, a sophisticated feed-forward error correction system that operates in the time domain. By mapping the error mechanisms of a chosen DAC chip under load using Adaptive Delta Hilbert Mapping, we can develop an algorithm that examines the incoming signal and calculates the induced error (both linear and non-linear) that will result. By applying an inverse signal at the input we can real-time correct for the time and phase error that is so musically destructive in other, conventional decoding systems.
This process requires a massive number of mathematical operations and considerable datatransfer: 12.8 GBytes/s. Processing is done at 128 bit internal resolution to precisely render the output and generate the smallest feed-forward corrections. The result is measurably and audibly the most natural and musically communicative digital decoding currently possible – something that’s obvious as soon as you hear the Atlantis Reference DAC.
Massively Filtered And Ultra Quiet Power supply
The output of an audio component can only be as silent as its power supply. This is especially true in digital to analogue conversion, given the massive scale of the circuits involved and the complex interaction paths within the process. For the Reference DAC we have implemented an ultra-sophisticated, cost no-object power supply topology, a physically and electrically independent, dual-mono design, employing 10 custom-wound transformers for total isolation of each critical section in the circuit, six stages of cascaded regulation on the AC input and over 30 local regulation stages. Once again, the result of the massive effort and huge application of state-of-the-art hardware is readily measurable and clearly audible, reflected in a total noise level (1Hz-100KHz) of only 0.5 microvolts, astonishing musical subtlety and commanding dynamic authority.
Mechanical Isolation To Match The Electrical Silence
There’s no point in creating a silent electronic environment if mechanical vibration and resonance is allowed to contaminate the signal path. The Reference DAC employs total physical isolation of left and right channels, along with further physical separation of the mechanically noisy power-supply components from the delicate signal processing circuits. Massive, mechanically grounded chassis components are designed to sink vibrational energy and interface with sophisticated, modern equipment support solutions. Reference DAC’s three chassis elements can be arranged in a linear layout, or vertically disposed, the chassis design combining harmoniously in either situation.
Perfect System Interface
Delivering the most natural musical performance at the Reference DAC’s outputs is only part of the story. To deliver digital music to your system, the Reference DAC must accept signals from all available digital sources, whether that means optical disc replay from an Atlantis transport, including native DSD replay over our proprietary triple AES-EBU connection, file replay from an Atlantis Server or network connection, or even BlueTooth connectivity to mobile devices. Reference DAC is capable of mating with all known digital sources, is MQA compatible and its modular construction ensures that it will be able to adapt to any changes in the digital replay landscape.
Nor have we neglected the critical interface to your amplifier and speakers, with the provision of balanced (XLR) adjustable output level and output impedance, ensuring that REFERENCE DAC will offer the perfect electrical match to and will not risk overloading the input of your line-stage or amplifier.
Nor have we neglected the critical interface to your amplifier and speakers, with the provision of balanced (XLR) adjustable output level and output impedance, ensuring that REFERENCE DAC will offer the perfect electrical match to and will not risk overloading the input of your line-stage or amplifier.
Modular, Future-Proof Card-Cage Construction
Any attempt to approach the state-of-the-art in digital decoding and realize the theoretical benefits of the technology is unavoidably expensive, time consuming and hugely costly in terms of exotic hardware. It is also hampered by the sheer speed of digital development, progress that threatens impending obsolescence.
The WADAX Reference DAC redefines the possibilities of digital music reproduction, something that is obvious as soon as you listen to it, but even a massive step-change in performance like this can and will be overtaken eventually. Which is why we have built the Reference DAC with true card-cage construction, employing no fewer than 23 individual circuit boards to carry the critical circuit blocks, ensuring that individual elements and functionality can be replaced to accommodate future technologies and developments. This allows future upgrades to be carried out in-situ, within the owner’s system, with firmware updates available over the WADAX at Home cloud system
The WADAX Reference DAC redefines the possibilities of digital music reproduction, something that is obvious as soon as you listen to it, but even a massive step-change in performance like this can and will be overtaken eventually. Which is why we have built the Reference DAC with true card-cage construction, employing no fewer than 23 individual circuit boards to carry the critical circuit blocks, ensuring that individual elements and functionality can be replaced to accommodate future technologies and developments. This allows future upgrades to be carried out in-situ, within the owner’s system, with firmware updates available over the WADAX at Home cloud system
Ease of Use
A tremendous amount of thought has gone into the user interface. Though the Reference DAC is obviously very sophisticated, there is no multi-layered menu system that would only make sense to a software engineer. Nor is there some arcane user interface for which much training would needed in order navigate as one might expect. Rather the important adjustments that a user might wish to access are all easily selectable in a top layer design. Rather use the interface just once and you will see how intuitive the design of the user controls are.
Dual Mono Power Supplies shown above
• 3-chassis state-of-the-art digital to analog converter• 10 custom wound transformers• 23 individual printed circuit boards• More than 5500 parts• Curremt mode I/V stage alone is made of 125 components per channel• Dual-differential musIC 3 128-bit feedforward error correction process• 10 purpose-wound, functionally specific power transformers• Digital circuitry time aligned to 100ps• Analog output stage bandwidth 3 MHz• Fully balanced, dual mono design w/complete physical & electrical separation of L&R channels• 0.5uV of total rail noise (1Hz-100KHz)• Ultra sophisticated power supply with distributed regulation topology• 30 local regulation stages• 5 stages of DC regulation • User adjustable gain and output impedance• Switchable Polarity Inversion• Zepto Reference clock: doubled the master clock frequency with only 12fs total jitter
Rear view of Atlantis Reference DAC flanked by both mono power supplies
Digital Inputs
(32-384KHz, 16-24-32 bits, DSD64, DSD128, DSD256, MQA)*
*Note: DSD512 is forthcoming soon and all existing Reference DACs can be field upgraded
(32KHz-192KHz, 16-24 bits)
(32KHz-192KHz, 16-24 bits)
(32KHz-192KHz, 16-24 bits)
Native Reference Wadax Link
(native PCM, DSD)
Service Ports
Ethernet RJ45, USB
Analog OutputsPair Balanced Line XLR
Output Level Voltage: Selectable by touchscreen
1 Volt RMS
2 Volts RMS - provides +6db output
4 Volts RMS - provides +12db output
Output impedance: Selectable by touchscreen
0, 7.41, 7.5, 8.22, 8.33, 8.7, 8.82, 9.84, 10, 28.57, 30, 46.15, 50, 66.67, 75, 600 ohms
User Interface
5 inch capacitive touch full-color display 800x480
110/220V, switchable, maximum 200W draw
Standard operating power consumption: 50W
Standby power consumption: <7W
Remote Support and OTA Upgrade
Software upgradeable via the Internet
Dimensions and Weight
Main DAC Unit:
17.12" (depth)
10" (height excluding cones.)
Main DAC Weight:93 lbs.
Mono Power Supplies (two are included)
7.17" (width - each)
15" (depth - each)
10" (height excluding cones - each)
Mono Power Supply Weight (each)
37 lbs.
Minimum Air Space Between ComponentsVertically 1.5 inch between components Horizontally 1 inch between components
Break-in time is very dependent of many parameters. From experience, a Reference set would need at least 14 days to really break-in. The sonic beauty of the Reference Server/DAC system will continue to improve for 8 weeks. In addition owners have reported some improvement 4 months after the set up!
There are several reasons why, but in part the very complex power supply implementation and the use of 10 wound transformers, 6 stages of cascaded regulation of the AC and more than 30 regulation stages in the power supply need some number of days to stabilize in the system.
Custom Finishes
There are a variety of custom finishes that are possible. Below are some examples:
Akasa Optical Link for Reference Server / DAC connection
What makes this Reference Server and DAC combo especially interesting is that there is an optional fiber optic link available to connect the Server to the DAC. It utilizes the AKASA optical cable between the transmitting module in the Server and the receiving module mounted in the DAC. The entire optical system consisting of the sending and receiving modules along with the Akasa cable. The stock length of this proprietary optical cable is 2.2 meters. Custom lengths are aavailable as multiples of 2.2 meters: i.e. 4.4m, 6.6m, 8.8m, etc.
What is especially interesting about this implementation of the Akasa design is is that the sound of the fiber optical signal can be tweaked by the three knobs on the front panel labled as follows: Input Gain, Speed, and Output Gain. There is a forthcoming white paper which will describe all of this in technical detail. Suffice it to say that the sound of the Reference Server/DAC combo can be tweaked with the use of these controls. Furthermore three programmable presets can be chosen between and are instantaneously switchable in order to tailor the sound to different recordings if desired. Interestingly, the sonic effect of doing this is rather unique, and different from other schemes such as changing a DAC filter for example. While it is complicated in theory, in use it is simple.
The theoretical advantage of utilizing a fiber optical connection is that certain types of digital "noise" or grounding issues simply will not be transmitted from the Server chassis to the DAC chassis. Theory goes on to say that this should provide the cleanest possible signal for superior sound quality. Theory may be all well and good. But certainly in this case hearing is believing.
There is a lot to know about WADAX components. If you'd like to know more you're welcome to email or call.